Builders Risk Insurance
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Builders Risk Insurance

What is Builder's risk insurance?
Builder's risk insurance is "coverage that protects a person's or organization's insurable interest in materials, fixtures and/or equipment being used in the construction or renovation of a building or structure should those items sustain physical loss or damage from a covered cause."
What is a course of construction insurance policy?
Also called builders risk insurance, course of construction coverage is a type of property insurance that covers a building during construction.
What is an all risk insurance policy?
All risks coverage. Property insurance covering loss arising from any fortuitous cause except those that are specifically excluded. This is in contrast to named perils coverage, which applies only to loss arising out of causes that are listed as covered.
Who buys builder's risk insurance?
Coverage is often purchased by the custom builder or general contractor and may also be purchased by the property owner. Builder's risk coverage may be necessary to show proof of insurance to comply with local city, county, and state building codes and is often required as a condition to many contracts. However, many architects believe that it is the property owner who should have the builder's risk policy, because they have already paid for the improvements to their land, and if the builder receives the funds directly from a claim, theoretically, he/she could abscond with that benefit. It is far safer for the property owner to obtain the builder's risk policy, because they already own the building, even while it is under construction. If something happens to the under-construction project, then they should be the beneficiary and control how it is spent. Yes, the builder ends up receiving the funds in the end, to rebuild damage, but this method gives the control of the insurance benefit to the owner.